All news in this category “General”

  • Professionals in after sales – to your advantage

    Our customer service – preserving your investment Heating systems from Schmid are intelligent, sustainable and reliable. Regular maintenance and professional service are the most important measures to positively influence the operating reliability and operating costs of a system. Well-instructed…

  • Schmid Headqater in Eschlikon

    Ope­ning of our branch in To­ron­to

    Swiss tech­no­lo­gy lea­der for bio­mass com­bus­ti­on sys­tems streng­t­hens pre­sence and custo­mer pro­xi­mi­ty in North Ame­ri­ca. Schmid energy solutions has been developing and building biomass boilers since 1936. The innovative boilers with state-of-the-art technology are leaders in the market for renewable…

  • Schmid with new sa­les part­ner in Fin­land

    Coope­ra­ti­on with Ter­mo­de Oy On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, Schmid AG, energy solutions signed a cooperation agreement with Termode Oy. With immediate effect, Termode Oy will distribute and install Schmid boilers in the Finnish market. Termode Oy has decades of…

  • Coope­ra­ti­on of Schmid AG, en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons and Steamer­gy GmbH & Co. KG

    Two com­pe­ten­ci­es, one vi­si­on – elec­tri­ci­ty and heat from bio­mass In the Paris Climate Agreement, the goal was agreed that by 2050, international global warming should be limited to a maximum of 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial times. At the…

  • Protrait Philipp Lüscher CEO Schmid Gruppe

    An in­ter­view with CEO Phil­ipp Lü­scher on the switch to en­vi­ron­ment­al­ly fri­end­ly hea­ting sys­tems

    “Switch to a wood hea­ter or heat pump now!” Fi­nal­ly be­co­m­ing in­de­pen­dent of oil and gas – and still ha­ving a well-hea­ted home. With its wood and heat pump hea­ting sys­tems, Schmid AG, en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons meets the needs…

  • In­no­va­ti­on from Schmid – the con­trol re­vo­lu­ti­on ad­ap­ti­ve

    Re­vo­lu­ti­on ad­ap­ti­ve – au­to­ma­tic de­tec­tion of fu­els and con­trol of the fur­nace Video Deutsch  Video Englisch  Video Französisch Chan­ging fu­els – no ma­nu­al re­ad­just­ment of the sys­tem. As a ma­nu­fac­tu­rer of ef­fi­ci­ent…

  • Die Schmid UTSR Feuerung mit Speicher beheizt via Fernwärme die umliegende Region.

    Mo­dern district hea­ting net­works

    Eschli­kon hea­ting net­work With the sub­si­dia­ry Schmid Wär­me­pro­duk­ti­ons GmbH, Schmid its­elf be­co­mes a heat sup­plier. The Eschli­kon hea­ting net­work has been in ope­ra­ti­on sin­ce fall 2017 and is being fur­ther ex­pan­ded. While Schmid en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons main­tains the hea­ting cen­ter,…

  • Das Lager der Hackschnitzel sichert die Wärmezufuhr für die Gewächshäuser

    ­ener­gy for the gar­den main­ten­an­ce in­dus­try

    Wood en­er­gy for the gar­den main­ten­an­ce in­dus­try The com­pa­nies Biot­ta AG and Ra­th­geb Bio have main­tai­ned a coope­ra­ti­ve part­nership for ye­ars. Sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 2019, the two com­pa­nies have also been joint­ly ope­ra­ting a wood hea­ting cen­ter. For 65…

  • Mehrere Schmid-Wärmepumpen in verschiedenen Grössen nebeneinander.

    Hea­ting wi­t­hout gas or oil – with wood or a heat pump

    Ef­fi­ci­ent hea­ting is good for the en­vi­ron­ment and for your wal­let. But which hea­ting tech­no­lo­gy should you choo­se, what do you have to look out for du­ring plan­ning and how do you get sub­si­dies or cli­ma­te bo­nu­ses? Away from gas…

  • Links steht eine Stückholzheizung des Produkttyps Novatronic XV von Schmid und rechts ein moderner Kamin mit brennendem Feuer.

    How clean are wood cen­tral hea­ting sys­tems?

    Hea­ting with logs, wood chips or pel­lets is – de­spi­te cri­tics – very en­vi­ron­ment­al­ly fri­end­ly. Howe­ver, fire­pla­ces, ti­led sto­ves and room sto­ves can be a pro­blem. In the­se, com­bus­ti­on is un­con­trol­led – and the ope­ra­tors of­ten fire up in­cor­rec­t­ly. It…