Innovation from Schmid – the control revolution adaptive
Revolution adaptive – automatic detection of fuels and control of the furnace
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Changing fuels – no manual readjustment of the system.
As a manufacturer of efficient wood boilers, Schmid energy solution strives to develop sustainable energy solutions to operate heating systems as economically as possible.
Over the past three years, a team from Schmid has developed the new Revolution adaptive control system. It enables the automated operation of wood boilers with different fuels.
Changing fuels influence combustion and efficiency
Especially heating networks are often confronted with variable fuel qualities. The season, the current weather, and the availability of biomass all affect the water content and calorific value of the fuel.
affect the water content and calorific value of the fuel. The change from industrial wood to forest wood can account for an increase in water content from 10 % to
60 %. This affects the combustion temperature, fire performance, and combustion behavior on the grate. To ensure that after a fuel change there is still
complete burnout and maximum efficiency can be achieved, the combustion settings must be readjusted.
Automatic tracking of the firing settings
The new Revolution adaptive control system detects the fuel quality and regulates the boiler’s set output automatically, without manual intervention. This is done
based on measurement of the fuel water content, the heat output generated, the combustion temperature and the current grate occupancy. A permanently
low residual oxygen content in the flue gas is maintained and thus the target output is always achieved. The flue gas recovery and air distribution are automatically adjusted
and the glow bed is kept constant. This has a positive effect on efficiency, fuel consumption, emissions and wear.
Less effort for operators
Incorrect combustion settings lead to reduced performance, increased emissions and reduced efficiency. This leads to faster wear
of grate and the combustion chamber. Since the times for boiler readjustments cannot usually be planned precisely due to the dependencies of the fuels, the boilers must be adjusted regularly, even at night.
Since the timing of boiler readjustments cannot usually be planned precisely due to the dependence of fuels, the boilers must be monitored regularly by the plant maintenance staff, even at night. Until now, this was the only way to avoid incorrect settings. Revolution adaptive takes over this task. For the operator and the plant maintenance new possibilities arise to ensure the economic efficiency of the plant.
efficiency. The procurement of biomass, the operation of the heating system and the planning of working hours become easier.
Advantages at a glance
Less effort for operators
- Automatic tracking of target outputs in the event of changing fuel quality
- No Manual intervention to readjust grate movement, air distribution and flue gas recirculation when fuel is changed
Optimized combustion process
- Constantly low residual oxygen values and thus higher efficiency of approx. 2.5 % and lower fuel consumption
- Reduced exhaust gas volume at the Stack
- Better part-load performance due to higher combustion temperature
- Optimum combustion conditions and quiet fuel bed and thus low emissions
Gentle / low-wear system operation
- Optimized flue gas recovery
- Combustion air addition optimally adapted to fuel quality
- Optimum grate occupancy and grate feed

Results of a fuel change at Wärmeverbund Eschlikon – moving grate firing UTSR-1600.42
The values show the fuel change from dry waste wood A 1 to moist forest residues M 35.
The Revolution adaptive control system compensates for fuel quality changes during operation without manual intervention.
- Desired target power is always achieved and
the power is automatically trailed - Fluctuations in fuel moisture due to
of the fuel change from waste wood A1 to
Forest residue approx. M 35 - Residual oxygen is regulated to 6 % and
complied with
The changing fuels could not be more different. But this is no problem for the Revolution Adaptive Control.
Retrofit with Revolution adaptive Revolution adaptive combustion control is available for UTSR hot waterboiler from 700 kW capacity. It is used in combination with the system control of the latest version “PersonalTouch visio”.
Necessary equipment
– Personal Touch Revolution adaptive” control upgrade
– Measuring system for determining the current fuel moisture content
– Detection system of the grate occupancy (ember bed height and length) by means of light barriers
– Heat meter for power measurement
– combustion chamber camera
– Remote access via the Schmid portal
Example calculation of annual fuel savings due to increased efficiency:
For a boiler with a nominal output of 4200 kW and 5,000 full operating hours per year, approx. 205 t / 680 m3 fuel (M45)
saved. With a fuel price of CHF / € 0.04 per kWh, this results in an annual saving of more than CHF / € € 21’000.00
This does not take into account:
– Reduced ash generation and ash disposal costs
– Reduced own power consumption
– Reduced maintenance costs
– Reduced operating costs