Der Showroom von Schmid in Eschlikon mit diversen Holzheizungen und Wärmepumpen.

About Us

The Schmid Group is a Swiss family business that has specialized in wood energy since 1936 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers. Schmid combustion systems enable environmentally friendly heating and are in use around the globe.
Corporate Desing Schmid Icon / Schmid Logo / Schmid Slogan Umweltreundliche Heizungen

Full of en­er­gy

For more than 85 years we have been dealing with wood firing systems in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors. Energy generation from wood has many advantages and requires a great deal of experience, knowledge and competence. Through constant further developments and optimally coordinated plant components, we meet all requirements for safe heating technology.


We inspire with renewable energy solutions and the best services – our customers trust in us.

  • Ein dargestelltes Raketen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Founding year
  • Ein dargestelltes Mitarbeiter Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
  • Ein dargestelltes Standort Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Locations / Subsidiaries
  • Ein dargestelltes Geldmünzen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Sales in million CHF
  • Ein dargestelltes Produktionsgebäude Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Plants sold / year
  • Ein dargestelltes Feuer Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Fossil fuel savings in metric tons
  • Ein dargestelltes Qualitäts Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Production area in m²
  • Ein dargestelltes Lagerhaus Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Storage area in m²

Schmid fa­mi­ly

We want to in­spi­re our custo­mers and part­ners!

We achieve this not only with solutions that meet our customers’ needs, but also with a team of specialists who use their knowledge and skills for the common cause and enjoy a high degree of trust, responsibility and competence. In the sustainable development of our company, we can therefore count on employees who both support and shape our family company culture and who support our common goals“full of energy” implement them.

Die Schmid-Familie auf einem Rasen vor dem Schmidgebäude.

For this we stand

  • Company
    We are a family business that moves into the future with competence and passion.
  • Customers / Stakeholders
    We treat our customers, stakeholders and the environment with respect and convince through agility and partnership.
  • Team / Employees
    We are a strong team, which faces the daily challenges with commitment and motivation.

Our histo­ry

Some highlights from over 80 years of company history.

Complete history

  • Founding of a locksmith’s shop in Grüningen (Switzerland, ZH)

    Albert Schmid opened a locksmith’s store at his home in Grüningen in 1936. In addition to locksmith work, horses were also shod.

  • Move to new workshop in Eschlikon

    With the move to Eschlikon, the company has expanded its range to include firing systems and wood drying plants.

  • Development of first lump wood boilers

    In 1965, the first hot water boiler for logs and chips was developed and produced.

  • Foundation of a joint-stock company and construction of a new factory with an office wing in Eschlikon

    Foundation of Schmid AG and Schmid Ventilatoren AG. In the same year, the new factory and office building in the industrial area of Eschlikon was occupied. The headquarters of the Schmid Group are still located here today.

  • First wood storage heating

    The slogan “wood energy stored” becam a hit. Schmid was the first company in the whole world to sell log firing systems with storage. Smiled at by competitors, hotly sought after by customers. Today, the use of an accumulator is required by law.

  • First un­d­er­feed firing

    Compared to the injection firing system, the new underfeed firing system also allowed forest chips or chips from the wood industry to be used as fuel.

  • Re­si­gna­ti­on Al­bert Schmid, take­over Hans-Jürg Schmid

    Due to Albert Schmid’s longstanding illness, his son Hans-Jürg had already been managing the company operationally for several years. In 1980 Hans-Jürg Schmid also officially took over the company as sole owner.

  • Geschichte Schmid Steuerung Schaltanlage

    Con­trol with ste­p­less power re­gu­la­ti­on and

    The new control system enabled a quantum leap in the area of efficiency and low exhaust gas values, as the control now automatically adjusted itself continuously to the required heating output.

  • Geschichte Unterschubfeuerung Schmid

    Py­ro­tro­nic Mo­du­lar mo­ving gra­te fur­nace

    The fuels required for pulverized fuel firing became increasingly moist and had a significantly higher ash content. The moving grate furnace was better able to process this fuel and discharge the ash automatically.

  • Oil-fired heat trans­fer boi­ler with mo­ving gra­te: Power ge­nera­ti­on ORC pro­cess

    For the generation of electricity with wood, not only steam but also oil was used as a heat transfer medium. The advantage is that oil does not develop pressure even at 300 degrees.

  • Bildausschnitt einer Industriefeuerung

    Au­to­ma­tic boi­ler tube clea­ning

    Developed by Schmid, later copied by all competitors. The automatic boiler tube cleaning system brought more convenience in maintenance and has helped to keep efficiency consistently high.

  • Mar­ket ent­ry Ja­pan

  • Novatronic Moodbild für Geschichte

    No­vatro­nic log boi­ler

    After many years of concentrating on new developments in the field of automatic firing systems, Schmid launched a new in-house development for lump wood in 2005.

  • Der Showroom von Schmid in Eschlikon mit diversen Holzheizungen und Wärmepumpen.

    Py­ro­Web con­trol

  • Phil­ipp Lü­scher suc­ceeds Hans-Jürg Schmid

    On the occasion of the anniversary celebration “75 years Schmid AG”, Hans-Jürg Schmid stepped down as CEO after more than 50 years with the company. In consultation with the family, Philipp Lüscher succeeded him.

  • Foun­da­ti­on Schmid Pol­s­ka, Elblag

    Foundation of Schmid Polska with location in Elblag.

  • New ser­vice in af­ter­sa­les: re­mo­te ac­cess, dia­gno­sis and main­ten­an­ce

  • Foun­da­ti­on of Schmid Wär­me Pro­duk­ti­ons GmbH (district hea­ting Eschli­kon)

  • Eine Hackschnitzel- / Pelletheizung des Produkttyps UTSD von Schmid.

    New pel­let and wood­chip hea­ting UTSD

    Development of the UTSD with power range up to 250 kW. The furnace convinces with best values and can be supplied with an integrated electrostatic precipitator.

  • UTSR vi­sio mo­ving gra­te fur­nace

    In 2019, the Schmid moving grate furnace was redesigned. The UTSR visio impresses with a new air guidance system, newly developed grate bars, an innovative rezi concept, and a controlled bypass for high filter availability. This ensures consistently low emissions in all operating conditions.

  • Swiss mar­ket: NIBE Heat Pumps

    The heat pumps of the NIBE brand are among the world leaders and complement the Schmid program perfectly. Since 2019, brine/water heat pump and air/water heat pump are offered in Switzerland.

  • New ope­ra­ti­on Per­so­nal­Touch vi­sio

  • Mar­ket launch of in­te­gra­ted e-fil­ters (e-clean) for UTSD plants

  • New con­trol ge­nera­ti­on “re­vo­lu­ti­on


Philipp Lüscher, CEO Schmid Group
Christian Huber , CFO Schmid Group
Roland Schmid, Head of IT / Technical Consulting / Special Projects
Claude Sieder, Head of Domestic Systems
Andreas Bätscher, Head of After Sales Service
Klaus Faber , Plant Manager Schmid Poland
Thomas Bürgi, Head of Procurement and Logistics
Corina Brücker, Head of HR
Reinhold Spörl, Head of Technology
Lukas Obrist, Head of Business Development

Picture in progress!

Ein Farbverlauf mit roten, orangen und violetten Akzenten.
Ein Farbverlauf mit roten, orangen und violetten Akzenten.

Board of Di­rec­tors

Roland Schmid, Engineer HTL, Head of IT Schmid Group
Natalie Schmid, lic. oec HSG, Head of Marketing Schmid Group
Philipp Lüscher, BSc ZFH, CEO Schmid Group
Diana Tagliaferro-Schmid, Fiduciary with federal certificate. Specialist Certificate, Pension Fund Schmid Group
Hansjörg Rettenmund, lic. oec. HSG, Certified Public Accountant, Owner Rettenmund Consulting
Thomas Stadelmann , lic. jur. EMBA HSG, Attorney at Law, Partner LOCHER | KOBLER | STADELMANN
Fabian Siegrist , M.A. HSG, CEMS MIM, Partner KEARNEY

Picture in progress!

Ein Farbverlauf mit roten, orangen und violetten Akzenten.
Ein Farbverlauf mit roten, orangen und violetten Akzenten.