

The focus is on operational analysis, operational safety, plant optimization and reduction of service costs. Everything for the best protection of your investment. Here you will find our package offers.

Pa­cka­ge of­fers

Remote View

  • Mobile control of the plant and access to the touch panel
  • Remote diagnosis and more efficient consulting on the phone
  • Weekly automatic report of trend data via email / web access
  • Pattern recognition: target - actual comparison for early detection of deviations
  • Ongoing analysis and annual analysis of the plant
  • Ongoing optimizations

Remote Basic

  • Mobile control of the plant and access to the touch panel
  • Remote diagnosis and more efficient consulting on the phone
  • Weekly automatic report of trend data via email / web access
  • Pattern recognition: target - actual comparison for early detection of deviations
  • Ongoing analysis and annual analysis of the plant
  • Ongoing optimizations

Remote Standard

  • Mobile control of the plant and access to the touch panel
  • Remote diagnosis and more efficient consulting on the phone
  • Weekly automatic report of trend data via email / web access
  • Pattern recognition: target - actual comparison for early detection of deviations
  • Ongoing analysis and annual analysis of the plant
  • Ongoing optimizations

Remote Premium

  • Mobile control of the plant and access to the touch panel
  • Remote diagnosis and more efficient consulting on the phone
  • Weekly automatic report of trend data via email / web access
  • Pattern recognition: target - actual comparison for early detection of deviations
  • Ongoing analysis and annual analysis of the plant
  • Ongoing optimizations

Ser­vice re­quest

Mann bedient Steuerung PersonalTouch visio auf digitalem Display an einem elektronischen Schaltschrank, um die Holzheizung zu bedienen.


As a customer-oriented company, Schmid offers practical in-house and on-site training. Our training offers can of course be adapted to individual needs. For example, in addition to a detailed explanation of the function and maintenance of the various plant components, an operator training course also includes in-depth knowledge of the control system, process engineering, and information and measures for troubleshooting.

To the training overview

Custo­mer ser­vice has prio­ri­ty

Wood energy is renewable and thus, after hydropower, one of the most important forms of sustainable energy generation in Switzerland, also with regard to achieving the Energy Strategy 2050. However, this also means that the demands on wood combustion operators are increasing. We always want to be on top with our customers! We achieve this goal together thanks to needs-based solutions and the promise of a worldwide top service, which is also capable of moving mountains in times of need. Our customer service is available to you 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Do you want maximum operational reliability, optimum efficiency and competent advice at any time of the day or night? Then you are in the best hands with Schmid. Whether you need advice by phone, on-site maintenance, Telemaintenance or operational optimization – together we will put together the service package that suits you best.

The re­mo­te main­ten­an­ce con­cept

The fo­cus is on ope­ra­tio­nal ana­ly­sis, ope­ra­tio­nal re­lia­bi­li­ty, plant op­ti­mi­za­ti­on and re­duc­tion of ser­vice costs. All for the best pro­tec­tion of your in­vest­ment.

Remote standard
– Mobile control of the plant and access to the touch panel
– Remote diagnosis and more efficient advice on the phone
– Weekly automatic report of trend data via e-mail and web access
– Pattern recognition: target/actual comparison for early detection of operating deviations
– Ongoing analysis and annual analysis of the plant
– Ongoing optimizations Remote Standard is one of 4 service packages.

If you would like to find the right service package for your needs – please contact us using the service request form above.

Safe­ty is a top prio­ri­ty at Schmid!

Remote access complies with the latest security standards. An encrypted connection is established by means of Site Manager. This connection can only be established if the user has a certificate issued by Schmid. Via a VPN tunnel, all data is transmitted in encrypted form and thus protected from external interference.