Die gesamte Belegschaft des Werks in Polen steht mit Mitgliedern Familie Schmid zwischen zwei Holzfeuerungen.
Die gesamte Belegschaft des Werks in Polen steht mit Mitgliedern Familie Schmid zwischen zwei Holzfeuerungen.

Pro­duc­tion Po­land

Schmid Pol­s­ka – a suc­cess sto­ry!

What started out small with 5 people is now an enormous success story. In 2011, the production site in Poland in the city of Elblag was established in addition to the headquarters in Eschlikon. The goal was to bring the added value back into the group with the extended “workbench”. However, due to the strong franc, 5 years later we were forced as family and owner to move the complete production to Poland. This decision turned out to be the right one. And since then a lot has happened! At the headquarters and in Switzerland in general, we now have significantly more employees than back then, and Schmid Polska is now also one of the largest employers in the 120,000-strong town of Elblag, near the Baltic Sea coast, with 165 employees. In addition to the production staff, there are currently design engineers, sales staff and project managers employed in Poland. The after-sales department for the Eastern European region is also located here.

Ein Produktionsmitarbeiter der Firma Schmid schweisst eine Schneckenaustragung in Polen zusammen.

We want to in­spi­re our custo­mers and part­ners!

We achieve this not only with solutions that meet our customers’ needs, but also with a team of specialists who use their knowledge and skills for the common cause and enjoy a high degree of trust, responsibility and competence.

Fle­xi­bi­li­ty and qua­li­ty

State-of-the-art firing systems are created on a total area of 7,500 m2. The interaction of all people involved in combination with our expertise ensures the flexibility and quality demanded by our customers.

An der Blechfalzanlage im Werk Polen bearbeitet ein Schnmid Mitarbeiter Blech.
Ein Mitarbeiter der Schmid Produktion in Polen schweisst Metall.
Zwei Werkmitarbeiter in Polen montieren einen Schmid Heizkessel.
Ein polnischer Schmid Mitarbeiter fertigt mit der hochmodernen Laseranlage Blechteile.

Sta­te-of-the-art pro­duc­tion fa­ci­li­ties

They make the work much easier and more precise. State-of-the-art laser beam equipment, bending machines and computer-controlled welding equipment are used. We can thus guarantee a high standard of quality.

In der Schmid Produktionshalle in Polen stehen Heizungskomponenten

Would you like to vi­sit us?

If you would like to see for yourself, you are cordially invited to visit us in Elblag Poland.