Coope­ra­ti­on of Schmid AG, en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons and Steamer­gy GmbH & Co. KG

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Two com­pe­ten­ci­es, one vi­si­on – elec­tri­ci­ty and heat from bio­mass

In the Paris Climate Agreement, the goal was agreed that by 2050, international global warming should be limited to a maximum of 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial times. At the same time, the expansion of digitalization and e-mobility presents us with new and major challenges. For a future with stable and environmentally friendly energy generation, we need solutions that are independent of the sun, wind and water and at the same time achieve high efficiency.

Schmid AG, energy solutions and Steamergy GmbH & Co. KG, as respective technology leaders in their field, are pursuing this strategy with heart and soul and have already started their cooperation in August 2022.

Re­vo­lu­tio­na­ry en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons for an en­vi­ron­ment­al­ly fri­end­ly fu­ture

Steamergy GmbH & Co. KG has developed the world’s most innovative “steam engine” for power generation in recent years. From the steam generated by a Schmid boiler type UTSR visio, electricity is generated in the steam engine.

“We are proud to have found a partner in Steamergy that shares our vision and inspires with environmentally friendly energy solutions. We work every day to help shape the energy of the future. With this collaboration, we have a revolutionary energy solution that allows us to generate electricity and heat from biomass.” Philipp Lüscher, CEO Schmid Group

Se­cu­re and sta­ble en­er­gy sup­ply with wood

The demand for autonomous and efficient energy is high. Currently, a three-engine Steamergy plant and two Schmid boilers are being commissioned at Taufer GmbH in Sand in Taufers. The UTSR-4200 and UTSR-3200 are operated with forest chips and residual wood from the surrounding area. The new Revolution adaptive control system is used to ensure the stable efficiency of the different fuels. It detects the different fuel moistures and automatically adjusts the combustion without manual intervention in the regulation of the firing rate.

Mehr Informationen zu Steamergy GmbH & Co. KG finden Sie hier:


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