Ein Mann im Wald, der ein Holzstamm auf der rechten Schulter trägt und in der linken Hand ein Beil hält.
Ein Mann im Wald, der ein Holzstamm auf der rechten Schulter trägt.

Agriculture and forestry

Especially in agriculture, there are many advantages to heating with renewable energy, because it is economical, environmentally friendly and practical. The robust and durable Schmid wood heaters with the latest technology and best quality are convincing.


From an early stage, the company dealt with the needs and requirements of agricultural businesses for a heating system. With the comparably high heating requirements, since in addition to a main building, there are often outbuildings, stables, etc. to be heated, an efficient and powerful system is required. The Schmid UTSK and UTSR wood firing systems can meet these requirements and are the optimal solution for your agricultural / forestry business. They are suitable for a wide range of fuel qualities and thus also enable you to recycle accrued residual wood.

  • Ein dargestelltes Clipboard Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Wood uti­li­za­ti­on from own fo­rest
    or re­si­du­al wood uti­li­za­ti­on
  • Ein dargestelltes Raketen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    High ef­fi­ci­en­cy with
    low emis­si­ons
  • Ein dargestelltes Geldmünzen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Fi­nan­ci­al sup­port
    through cli­ma­te pre­mi­um

Pro­duct ran­ge

Here you will find all products suitable for burning logs and wood chips.

  • Anlagenbild Seitenansicht einer Vorschubrostfeuerung UTSR visio

    Mo­ving gra­te combustion UTSR vi­sio

    The biomass heating system has a large output range with high fuel flexibility: The UTSR visio automatic moving grate firing…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Power range
    Fuel water content
    Grate cooling
  • Anlagenbild Seitenansicht einer Unterschubfeuerung UTSK visio

    Un­d­er­feed firing UTSK vi­sio

    The compact firing system for dry chips, moist wood chips and waste wood.

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Power range
    Fuel water content
    Grate cooling
  • Absorptionswaermepumpe-low

    Absorption heat pump

    If an economizer (ECO) and an absorption heat pump are also integrated into a heating plant, an additional heat yield…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Heat source
    Power range
    Fuel water content
  • SaveEnergy-flue gas condenser

    The SaveEnergy flue gas condenser is a highly efficient system that recovers the sensible and latent heat from contaminated flue…

    Field of application
    Heat source
    Fuel water content

Hea­ting re­pla­ce­ment in the agri­cul­tu­ral and fo­restry sec­tor

Ef­fi­ci­ent and cli­ma­te-neu­tral – mo­dern hea­ting sys­tems for na­tu­ral heat
The low-emis­si­on hea­ting sys­tems from Schmid AG en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons of­fer the per­fect so­lu­ti­on for every si­tua­ti­on. En­vi­ron­ment­al­ly fri­end­ly hea­ting could not be ea­sier.


Do you have any ques­ti­ons?

Benefit from our many years of experience and let our specialists advise you individually, without obligation and free of charge.