
Wood processing companies

Especially for businesses that work with wood, there are many advantages to heating with residual wood / wood waste, because it is economical, environmentally friendly and practical. The robust and durable Schmid wood heating systems with the latest technology and top quality are impressive. Projects can be individually designed to optimally meet customer requirements.


Schmid was quick to address the special heating requirements of wood processing companies. Due to the high heat requirement, which includes workshops, offices, drying plants and warehouses, an efficient and powerful heating solution is essential. Schmid wood firing systems are specially designed to meet these requirements and offer the ideal solution for your business. They enable the use of a wide range of fuel qualities, including residual wood/waste wood, and thus contribute to the efficient and sustainable energy supply of your company.
  • Ein dargestelltes Clipboard Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Wood re­cy­cling from our own ope­ra­ti­ons
    (re­si­du­al and was­te wood re­cy­cling)
  • Ein dargestelltes Raketen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    High ef­fi­ci­en­cy with
    low emis­si­ons
  • Ein dargestelltes Geldmünzen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Fi­nan­ci­al sup­port
    through cli­ma­te pre­mi­um

Pro­duct ran­ge

Here you will find all products that are suitable for burning residual wood / waste wood.

  • Anlagenbild Seitenansicht einer Vorschubrostfeuerung UTSR visio

    Mo­ving gra­te combustion UTSR vi­sio

    The biomass heating system has a large output range with high fuel flexibility: The UTSR visio automatic moving grate firing…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Power range
    Fuel water content
    Grate cooling
  • Absorptionswaermepumpe-low

    Absorption heat pump

    If an economizer (ECO) and an absorption heat pump are also integrated into a heating plant, an additional heat yield…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Heat source
    Power range
    Fuel water content
  • SaveEnergy-flue gas condenser

    The SaveEnergy flue gas condenser is a highly efficient system that recovers the sensible and latent heat from contaminated flue…

    Field of application
    Heat source
    Fuel water content

Hea­ting re­pla­ce­ment in the wood pro­ces­sing sec­tor

Ef­fi­ci­ent and cli­ma­te-neu­tral – mo­dern hea­ting sys­tems for na­tu­ral heat

The low-emis­si­on hea­ting sys­tems from Schmid AG en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons of­fer the per­fect so­lu­ti­on for every si­tua­ti­on. The com­pa­ny’s own en­er­gy re­qui­re­ment can be ge­ne­ra­ted from the re­sul­ting re­si­du­al wood / was­te wood.


Generating energy the right way
Benefit from our many years of experience in the planning and implementation of wood-burning systems. Together we will find a solution that is optimally tailored to your needs.

Changes in fuel moisture, calorific value and composition during operation of the combustion plant affect the combustion settings. To ensure optimum combustion at all times, three manually or automatically selectable memory locations with settings suitable for fuel are available. During summer operation, the use of fuel with a fuel moisture content ≤ M35 is recommended to support the minimum operating time of the combustion plant . Alternatively, manual adjustment can be bypassed with the innovative “Revolution Adaptive” control system. The parameters are recorded by sensors and the firing system is automatically readjusted. This significantly increases efficiency!

Fuel supply
The fuel supply is finely dosed and continuously adapted to the currently required boiler output, both for the screw conveyor and the slide-in systems. This ensures that the desired output is generated in every load condition.

Selecting the boiler output
Correct dimensioning is crucial for the efficient and low-maintenance operation of combustion plant . Continuous operation should be the aim during planning. Single-boiler systems with summer operation should have a sufficiently high minimum operating time. Otherwise, the planning of multi-boiler systems is recommended, also taking into account the minimum operating time.

Storage tank
The energy storage tank covers peak loads, favors the control behavior of the combustion plant and enables the minimum operating time and filter availability to be achieved. Taking into account the spread (flow and return) of the heating network, we recommend 25-30 liters per kW installed output of the largest boiler.

combustion plant UTSR visio

The Schmid UTSR visio is an innovative wood-burning solution that combines maximum efficiency with modern technology. It offers automatic grate cleaning, flexible fuel utilization and optimum combustion control. Thanks to the large viewing window, it also provides a fascinating view of the flames. The UTSR visio is ideal for businesses with high heat requirements and provides environmentally friendly, powerful and convenient heating, while at the same time efficiently utilizing residual wood .


Do you have any ques­ti­ons?

Benefit from our many years of experience and let our specialists advise you individually, without obligation and free of charge.