Ein Mann steht vor einem Firmenwagen der Schmid AG und hält sein benötigtest Material bereit.
Ein Mann steht vor einem Firmenwagen der Schmid AG und hält sein benötigtest Material bereit.

Specialist partner

Here you will find documents to help you plan a new heating system.


20 – 40 % more heat energy from the same amount of biomass Read more ->
Electricity and heat from biomass Read more ->
Waste shrub cuttings become fuel in the garden maintenance sector Read more ->
Schmid the district heating / heat network professional Read more ->
Control system reacts automatically to changing fuel


    Mann bedient Steuerung PersonalTouch visio auf digitalem Display an einem elektronischen Schaltschrank, um die Holzheizung zu bedienen.


    As a customer-oriented company, Schmid offers practical in-house and on-site training. Our training offers can of course be adapted to individual needs. For example, in addition to a detailed explanation of the function and maintenance of the various plant components, an operator training course also includes in-depth knowledge of the control system, process engineering, and information and measures for troubleshooting.

    Fre­quent­ly as­ked ques­ti­ons?

    Most often, the heat exchanger is dirty here. Switch off the furnace and carry out the following work when cold:

    • Clean smoke flues
    • Check fresh air dampers
    • Check vacuum control

    Most often, the recirculation air dampers are dirty. Switch off the furnace and perform the following work when cold:

    • On the duct, disassemble the covers to the air dampers and clean the dampers.

    Either the buffer storage tank has reached the set state of charge or the higher-level control system blocks the firing -> as a rule, the release comes automatically as soon as heat is required again.

    Either the buffer storage tank has reached the set state of charge or the higher-level control system blocks the firing -> as a rule, the release comes automatically as soon as heat is required again.

    Com­pe­tence and know­ledge en­su­re the suc­cess­ful ope­ra­ti­on of the plant.

    Schmid offers its partners practical training courses that take into account the planning principles of QM wood-fired heating plants and enable operators to handle our plants in both mechanical and process engineering matters. Many people contribute to the optimal operation of a plant. Therefore, it is important for us to be able to offer training that meets the needs of all those involved.

    In­vest­ment plan­ning

    Plan­ning is cri­ti­cal for op­ti­mal ope­ra­ti­on. The fol­lo­wing to­pics and their im­por­t­an­ce are co­ve­r­ed in depth in the trai­ning cour­ses:

    • Basics of system planning and the optimal system selection
    • Optimal dimensioning of the plant according to the type and duration of the heat demand
    • Benefits and design of an energy storage system
    • Integration and control of a storage operation
    • Safety aspects
    • Influence of fuel on plant design and operation
    • System components and their field of application and additional benefits
    • Applicable national / cantonal regulations and guidelines
    • Maintenance and servicing of an industrial wood furnace
    • Optimization of the operation of wood firing systems

    Ope­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of the plant

    Over many ye­ars, the ope­ra­tor is the key per­son who de­cisi­ve­ly in­flu­en­ces the lon­ge­vi­ty and ef­fi­ci­en­cy of a plant, in coope­ra­ti­on with Schmid AG. The fol­lo­wing to­pics are trai­ned:

    • Basics of Schmid wood firing and combustion
    • Commissioning – heating up, heating operation, cleaning, maintenance
    • Safety aspects on installations
    • Important settings, functions and parameterization of the control system
    • Existing plant systems and possible additional functions
    • Benefits of remote access and Telemaintenance
    • Optimization of the operation of wood firing systems
    • Chimney sweep training