
FOCUS customer magazine

FOCUS – the magazine of the Schmid Group – informs about the market, news and specific plant projects.

FOCUS 2024 – Sustainable process heat
for industry

Heating systems are our passion – solutions are our strength.

FOCUS Li­bra­ry

FOCUS – Special edition hotel industry

Hotels rely on CO2-neutral heat energy from wood.

FOCUS 2023 – Revolution adaptive

Alternating fuels – constant heat generation without manual intervention

Hor­ti­cul­tu­re – cle­ver hea­ting

Wood as a heat source is a good choice for CO2-neutral production and also interesting for the horticultural industry.

Schmid Focus Cover auf einem bunten Hintergrund mit pinken, violetten und schwarzen Akzenten.

FOCUS – Everything visio!

Schmid Magazine gives you an outlook on the new adaptive fuel control system and on various realized projects.

Schmid Kundenmagazin FOCUS Ausgabe 2020

FOCUS – full service provider!

Schmid becomes a full-range supplier for renewable energy. Thus, our portfolio has a comprehensive range of environmentally friendly heating systems.

Schmid Kundenmagazin FOCUS Ausgabe 2019

FOCUS – Vision!

The new flagship of Schmid energy solutions UTSR visio revolutionizes automatic wood firing worldwide, to be seen at the site in Eschlikon.

Sub­scri­be to Fo­cus

News and re­fe­ren­ces ma­ga­zi­ne FO­CUS

Schmid energy solutions is the largest Swiss manufacturer of wood-burning furnaces and has been at the forefront of technology development for decades. Today, the company is one of the global leaders in the industry. Schmid systems are in use all over the world. CO2 taxes on fossil fuels, rising energy, disposal and recycling costs demand additional measures in the area of environmental management. Added to this is the increasingly unstable supply of fossil fuels, which is driving many companies to look for new energy solutions. Wood as a heat source is a good choice – the fuel is regionally available and inexpensive.

The area of application of Schmid heaters is diverse. They are used in the woodworking industry, in horticulture, but also in the health sector and in many other industries. We provide insights into our customer service and show how we accompany our customers in the product life cycle so that your investment can be used optimally. As a full-range supplier of environmentally friendly heating systems, we also provide in-depth insights into implementations with heat pumps. Combinations of different heating technologies also make sense. We can draw from the entire pool of ecological heating technologies and thus create individual customer solutions. Last but not least, you will find trends and future-oriented technologies and innovations presented here. Let the customer magazine FOCUS inspire you and get to know Schmid AG better.