
A step forward in energy efficiency

The technology for achieving the highest possible heat yields is well advanced, but far from exhausted. Sophisticated technological innovations enable the highest levels of efficiency. The aim is to make optimal use of wood as a sustainable resource. Heating plants for local and district heating will be able to generate even more heat from the same amount of fuel in the future, thus counteracting issues such as scarcity of resources, landscape consumption and high delivery volumes with the help of future-oriented technologies.


If efficiency-boosting technologies are also used in conventional biomass heat plants, the heat yield can be further improved. It is possible to increase the heat yield and save up to 40% fuel compared to a biomass boiler without upstream or downstream products to increase efficiency. It is therefore recommended that existing and new systems, regardless of size, be retrofitted with Schmid efficiency-enhancing technologies.
  • Ein dargestelltes Clipboard Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Increase in efficiency
    and heat output
  • Ein dargestelltes Raketen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    High efficiency with
    low emissions per unit of
    useful heat produced
  • Ein dargestelltes Geldmünzen Icon in oranger Farbe auf kariertem Hintergrund.
    Fi­nan­ci­al sup­port
    through cli­ma­te pre­mi­um

Pro­duct ran­ge

Here you will find all efficiency-enhancing products.

  • Absorptionswaermepumpe-low

    Absorption heat pump

    If an economizer (ECO) and an absorption heat pump are also integrated into a heating plant, an additional heat yield…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Heat source
    Power range
    Fuel water content
  • Revolution adaptive- automated combustion control

    The new control unit, Revolution adaptive, recognizes the fuel quality used. This is done on the basis of the fuel…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Heat source
    Power range
    Fuel water content
  • SaveEnergy-flue gas condenser

    The SaveEnergy flue gas condenser is a highly efficient system that recovers the sensible and latent heat from contaminated flue…

    Field of application
    Heat source
    Fuel water content

Ef­fi­ci­en­cy-en­han­cing pro­duc­ts for stan­dard boi­lers

Schmid en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons is a Swiss fa­mi­ly busi­ness that has been de­ve­lo­ping and buil­ding com­bus­ti­on sys­tems for bio­mass sin­ce 1936. The in­no­va­ti­ve boi­lers with sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy are lea­ders in the mar­ket for re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy. The wide ran­ge of bio­mass com­bus­ti­on sys­tems and the tech­no­lo­gy be­hind them are de­ve­lo­ped and ma­nu­fac­tu­red in-house by Schmid en­er­gy so­lu­ti­ons.

Biomass heating plants are always caught between economic efficiency, ensuring security of supply and complying with legal requirements. As a manufacturer of efficient wood-fired boilers, Schmid energy solution strives to develop sustainable energy solutions in order to operate heating systems as economically as possible.

Customers from a wide range of industries. Local and district heating networks, industrial companies, municipalities as well as forestry, timber construction companies, agriculture and horticulture find customized energy solutions from Schmid energy solutions. The innovative technology of Schmid boilers with the unique and newly developed “Revolution adaptive” combustion control system enables top performance in terms of energy efficiency and effectiveness. Schmid boilers are also low-maintenance and durable.

Biomass heating plants today face a variety of challenges, which can occur individually or in combination:

  • Profitability is to be increased
  • Sustainability targets to be achieved
  • More heat output is to be generated with (almost) the same building fabric, as there is no space to extend the fuel silo, for example
  • The biomass heating plant is to be expanded while generating as few additional resources as possible
  • The range of fuel quality should be extended due to fuel availability, e.g. Wood chips with a higher moisture content should also be burned

Rapid amortization possible
Amortization periods of less than 5 – 6 years can be achieved with at least 4,000 full operating hours per year, and even less than 4 years for systems with a nominal boiler output of at least 3,800 kW. The payback periods for various nominal outputs of the UTSR series are possible for the following boundary conditions:

  • Wood moisture M 55
  • Return temperature 55 °C
  • Flow temperature 85 °C
  • Financing interest rate 3 % / a
  • Heat production costs 0.07 EUR / kWh

Do you have any ques­ti­ons?

Benefit from our many years of experience and let our specialists advise you individually, without obligation and free of charge.