Ein Mann im Wald, der ein Holzstamm auf der rechten Schulter trägt und in der linken Hand ein Beil hält.
Ein Mann im Wald, der ein Holzstamm auf der rechten Schulter trägt.

Pellet heating systems

Ein kleiner Haufen von Holzpellets.

Pel­let hea­ters

Pellet heating systems are excellent heating systems that convince by using renewable energy with low emissions and high efficiency. Heating with pellets is almost indispensable today. The renewable, CO2-neutral and inexpensive fuel is convincing in every respect. In Switzerland, there is a reliable, nationwide supply throughout the year.

The pellet heaters in the power range 3 – 260 kW are particularly suitable for single or multi-family houses as well as for medium-sized commercial enterprises.

Our pro­duct ran­ge

  • Anlagenbild Seitenansicht einer Unterschubfeuerung UTSK visio

    Un­d­er­feed firing UTSP vi­sio

    The compact and reliable wood firing system for pellets.

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Power range
    Fuel water content
    Grate cooling
  • Anlagenbild Seitenansicht einer Vorschubrostfeuerung UTSR visio

    Mo­ving gra­te combustion UTSR vi­sio

    The biomass heating system has a large output range with high fuel flexibility: The UTSR visio automatic moving grate firing…

    Field of application
    Operating medium
    Power range
    Fuel water content
    Grate cooling

Fre­quent­ly as­ked ques­ti­ons?

The pollution of the air by a wood central heating system is minimal. Measurements by chimney sweeps prove this. Controlled burning of the fuel takes place. Air pollution is mainly caused by fireplaces and tiled stoves.

Current data from Holzenergie Schweiz show that a good 20 % of domestic energy wood is still available. The surge in demand for wood in recent times will level off again. With the fuel wood, regional value creation is promoted.

Heating with wood isCO2 neutral. What does that mean? When wood is burned, only as much carbon dioxide is released into the environment as the wood also absorbed during its growth. With oil and gas, only pollutants are released.

Do you have any ques­ti­ons?

Benefit from our many years of experience and let our specialists advise you individually, without obligation and free of charge.

In­tel­li­gent de­tails – for ef­fi­ci­ent hea­ting to­mor­row

The Schmid AG pellet furnace has different features depending on the version. The primary and secondary air is supplied via EC fans. In addition, an air damper is also controlled. The combustion chamber is constantly monitored in negative pressure. The EC flue gas fan regulates to a changing flue draught as well as to an optimized combustion. The touch display of the boiler control offers maximum ease of use, thanks to its simple and clear menu control and fast response speed. It controls the entire heating system, from fuel supply and combustion to heating circuits and energy storage. Decoupled drive forces and automatic reversing via current measurement of the fuel feed screws, rotary valves and ash screws causes foreign bodies to be loosened. Reversing can also be controlled manually. Due to the sophisticated system of combustion chamber geometry, made of high-quality refractory concrete, even moist fuels up to M40 can be fed to the combustion. This heavy-duty design promises a long service life as well as additional safety thanks to combustion chamber temperature sensor, vacuum control and lambda probe. Specially designed containers ensure convenient ash disposal. The type and position of the containers can be planned variably. This allows ideal positioning in the boiler room. Special solutions with filter ash into a container are possible.

fuel Pel­lets

Wood pellets consist of natural wood. The wood shavings and sawdust produced in the wood industry, which are available in large quantities as a by-product, are compressed and pelletized. They are the optimal fuel for fully automatic wood heating systems, as they can be easily stored and have a high calorific value with minimal emissions due to their high energy density. They are mostly produced regionally and thus support the value chain of local producers.