Wood district heating Sar­nen AG, Sar­nen

Published: Last updated:
Der Fernwärmeverbund Sarnen hat einen Schmid UTSR im Einsatz.

Holz Fern­wär­me Sar­nen AG, Sar­nen

General information
The Foribach heating plant supplies around 60 users with ecological heat, including the Obwalden Cantonal Hospital, the retirement home and most of the cantonal administration buildings. Two Schmid wood-fired boilers of the latest visio technology with 1.2 and 32 MW output are installed. Each year, around 10 million kWh of thermal energy is supplied to the connected buildings.

area of application
Heat network

80% waste wood
10% wood chips from alluvial wood
10% wood chips from solid trees, logs and forest residues

type of combustion system
Moving grate furnace
UTSR-3200 visio
UTSR-1200 vivio

Capacity Total
4.4 MW

Silo discharge
Moving floor discharge

Filter in use? Which one?
Monocyclone, electrostatic precipitator

In use since
August 2019