Kno­nau hea­ting net­work, Lenk

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Wärmeverbund Knonau, Schmid Feuerung UTSR 1600 und UTSR 550 - Hackschntizelheizungen

Kno­nau hea­ting net­work

General information

Intelligent control Revolution adaptive – maximum efficiency and less

Fuel consumption for the Knonau heating network

In 1996, the Knonau Heating Cooperative (HGK) commissioned a wood chip center with a district heating network to supply heat energy to private properties and public buildings. The demand and the cooperative have grown in the meantime. That is why the expansion of the heating network could be realized in 2022 with a new building and the doubling of the boiler output.

Less fuel consumption, maximum energy recovery even with moist, irregular fuel

The new Revolution adaptive control system from Schmid has been designed to detect different fuels and developed in such a way that it switches the plant to the appropriate fuel without manual intervention, while the plant is in operation. Thanks to the integrated measurement of fuel moisture, a constantly low residual oxygen content can be maintained over the entire output range, which has a positive effect on fuel consumption.


In Knonau, only fresh forest chips with high moisture content are used. The innovative Revolution adaptive control system from Schmid energy solutions is ideal for such conditions. HGK had heard about this development and did not hesitate to purchase Revolution adaptive. They were fully aware that their plant would be one of the first to be equipped with the new control system.


To make maximum use of the energy and reduce fuel consumption even more, a flue gas condensation system from the company oeCON was also installed. Thanks to the additional heat recovery of approx. 15%, 400m3 of chips have already been saved this winter.


The new heating system with the new control system runs quietly, the fire pattern is regular and the values are balanced. This makes the operation low-maintenance and sustainable for the cooperative, and the supply of thermal energy users reliable.

area of application
Heat network

100% wood chips from solid trees, logs and forest residues

type of combustion system
Moving grate furnace
UTSR-1600 visio
UTSR-550 visio

Control / Regulation:
Schmid PersonalTouch Visio / Revolution adaptive – Automatic fuel adjustment

Capacity Total
Nominal power: 1600kW
Rated power: 550kW

Heat recovery
Exhaust gas condensation AGK ,oeCON GmbH, Gelterkinden

Silo discharge
Moving floor discharge

Exhaust gas dedusting: Master filter
Master filter

In use since
August 2019