Innvik, Norway
Climate-neutral production line for sustainable furniture textiles made from natural fibers
General information
Innvik is one of the leading manufacturers of high-quality furniture textiles in Scandinavia. In collaboration with interior designers and furniture designers, special designs are created and the fabrics are produced accordingly. Sustainability plays a major role in this. That is why Innvik uses products made from renewable raw materials such as wool and linen.
Leading role in sustainable textile production
Innvik is located in the middle of Norwegian nature and has long had the vision of a climate-neutral production line.
“As a textile manufacturer, we can make a difference.” Innvik,
To achieve this goal, Innvik relies on bioenergy in addition to short transport routes and durable quality. In the fall of 2022, the new bioenergy power plant from Norsk Bioenergi SA was commissioned and has been supplying Innvik with heat and steam ever since. The plant was equipped with a UTSR 2000 visio wood-fired boiler from Schmid, which runs on wood chips from the region. This means that the steam and thermal energy used in the Innvik production line is CO2 neutral. The local school and the nursing home are also supplied with heat via a long-distance pipeline.
The UTSR 2000 visio wood boiler replaces oil heating and saves 1,072 tons of CO2 per year.
area of application
Process steam for bursting and dyeing yarn
District heating for local school and nursing home
Wood chips from whole trees and forestry residual wood
type of combustion system
Moving grate furnace
UTSR-2000.32-1 visio
Capacity Total
2600 kg/h saturated steam
Moving floor
Exhaust gas dedusting
In use since
August 2022