FRAN­KE – sustainab­le en­er­gy sup­ply

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«Make it wonderful»

A promise to the customer. Starting with the manufacture of the products and extending to the way in which partners, customers and employees are treated. Franke is just as wonderfully oriented to the corporate value of “taking responsibility” and is committed to sustainability and climate protection out of conviction. With the long-term investment in a modern wood-fired furnace, Franke ensures a clean energy supply and achieves another milestone in its energy management.

More ef­fi­ci­en­cy through was­te heat re­co­very

Waste heat recovery from the flue gas increases the heat efficiency of the wood-fired heating plant in Aarburg by 20 to 30 %. The flue gas is cleaned by means of a highly efficient wet electrostatic precipitator. In addition, flue gas dehumidification prevents visible emissions. This solution meets the highest standards
in terms of the sparing use of natural resources.

The es­sen­ti­als in brief

area of application
Heat for production plant and district heating for “Stadtblick” residential area»

Wood chips

Fuel requirement

type of combustion system
UTSR-1600.32 and UTSR-900.32 moving grate furnace

Heating capacity
2.5 MW

Moving floor

Exhaust gas dedusting
Wet-electrostatic precipitator IS SaveEnergy

April 2015

Savings natural gas
approx. 530’000m3

Building owner
Franke Switzerland AG, Franke-Strasse 2, CH-4663 Aarburg