Bösch AG Joinery, Amriswil, Switzerland
Traditional company relies on district heating
General information
Bösch AG is a traditional Thurgau company and has been manufacturing windows from local woods for over 100 years. Detailed fabrications as well as various carpentry works are part of the diverse competences of Bösch AG. In October 2020, a Schmid UTSK-450.23-1 visio wood boiler was commissioned as a district heating system.
The dry untreated wood waste, which is produced in the company’s own joinery and to a larger extent in the neighboring joinery hall of the company Krattiger Holzbau AG, is thus used optimally and sustainably.
Potential for neighboring properties available
With a view to the surrounding properties, which could be supplied with district heating, the heating plant was designed large with a nominal output of 450kW. Last year 550 MWh were produced, which means a rather low load of the plant. At present, the carpentry shop and the company’s own beach hall as well as three other neighboring industrially used properties with integrated apartments and offices are heated.
area of application
Heating of the carpenter’s workshop, beach hall and neighboring woodworking store
dry wood waste from woodwork and joinery
type of combustion system
Underfeed control
UTSK-450.23-1 visio
Total capacity
450 kW
Center discharge from existing silo
Filter in use? Which one?
Meister filter (type 6R250)
In use since
October 2020